
Tuesday, February 3, 2009

This is specially for my dear Lucky. He release from pain because he got few week never eat just 1week plus to 2weeks. Actually mummy said wanna send him to other place as my sis is expecting now but my sis knows I will be sad and Lucky will be afraid in new place. Finally Lucky went to look for my Dad on 29 Nov 2008 in the morning 11AM.

Lucky passing the day- I went to work,my sis brought two doggies to go for walk,Lucky was sit on the floor and pass urine. In the end he cannot ever walk so my sis carry him and back home. My sis called my Bro-in-law , he asked my sis to give me a call and my mum do as well. When my sis call the time was Lucky passed the time.

My dear good boy(Lucky) I will love you always and I will not have any other dog in rest of my life.

Ju says to sis ; jie jie thanks for your understanding. Thanks alot.

Ju says to Lucky ; you are a very good boy, you know what I'm thinking( I will not dump him anywhere and I wanna do the rest of things. Even I spent about 1000 plus and make a place for him to rest but I'm happy with it). When I know you going to leave me alone I really sad but hope you have a happy lifestyle no matter next life you are human,dog or whatever.

My DEAR Lucky Rest In Peace ( 29Nov2008,11AM )

Written out at 9:37 PM

Hmmm... Hi my friends, How are you? Long time no see, almost 1 year.

On June 2008 I was been working 3 jobs ( 2 retail and 1 in pub ). Power right? hehehe...

However have to show you guys my recent pics.


Now I'm looking for jobs and hope can get job soon. Wish me good luck k...

Written out at 9:27 PM

About Me

Name :[J][u][J][u]
Age :[S]ecret
Address :[H]ougang [C]halet & [R]esort

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Straightforward,cute,sweet and etc... * hehehe*

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