
Friday, August 31, 2007

Today I spent 300 over dollars. Wow.. This my first time spent so much.....

I bought one pair of heel shoe cost me $152.10 for my Sis's wedding,one pair of slipper $26.90 for my work,wine opener $7.00 for me to drink at home,,ear stuck$8.90 which I was finding these few days,household $14.00 for myself,one cup of coffee bean's mocha $5.30,lunch $25.00, returned Sis $30.00 for my computer,dog food $24.00 for my dear Bao Bei Lucky and $30.00 for grooming. I damn happy and damn suprised that I can so enjoy my shopping with my Mo li(damn close friend).

I would like to shop with her again. *hehehe* (*;*)

I very long time din write blog, as my computer kanna Virus. Now I can write my blog again wor... Wow.....


*yawn* (sleepy)



Written out at 10:02 AM

Friday, August 24, 2007

Today nothing special... I at home the whole day watching vcd,msn,packing my room and went to buy things with my dear Mummy.....................

Today is my boring day............. One of my stupid online friend sent me a youtube video and I kanna frightened lor(damn scary xia)...............



Written out at 10:54 AM

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Today I watched movie (881) .
Wow... Damn touching wor.... I almost cried like shit lor....
I watched with my family(Mummy,Sister and Bro-in-law)
Wua... Damn lost face lor.... ( As I 'm not a cry baby lor)
Ha ha ha.....

After watched movie we Q for Taxi and got one baby(looks like "La Pi Xiao Xin" lor..) shake the ballon which hit my sis....
After we played with baby and started to talk with the baby's Mother...
The baby started to kick and shake the baby carriage... The baby put his legs on the handgrip(he just resting his legs la).... He hehe.....
I told The baby's mother"My lady boss told me ar.. If Ur baby kick the thing ar..(handgrip) means U got another baby soon..." The baby's mother says"now I got baby about 3months le..."
H ah ha...
The baby's mother said I clever xia.... Bleh!!!!!!!!!!!!!

End here le....

Written out at 8:58 AM

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

This my first blog wor....
I'm damn happy lor...
He he...
I don't know what to write wor!!!!!!!!!!

Ermm... Today I went buy news paper just because I wanna see the news about Hougang got ppl kanna rob...
I feel Damn scare xia.....
Sigh..!! Any of my friends if u stay this area must be more CAREFUL k....
Ermm... I think end here le... I really don't know what to write xia...
Ha ha...
Take care ba....

Written out at 8:27 AM

About Me

Name :[J][u][J][u]
Age :[S]ecret
Address :[H]ougang [C]halet & [R]esort

My Characteristic

Straightforward,cute,sweet and etc... * hehehe*

My Wish List

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The Past!

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